Art has finally taken the leap and bought this wicker basket, trunk, or what is it called? He has been eyeing this rustic (=dusty) thing getting even dustier, in this antique shop for 3 years. Now that it is down to less than half of its original price, and still not sold, poor thing, it has found a home with us.
I really appreciate this department store that has taken the time and energy to dress their windows at special times like Christmas. I know the economy is not so good, but it is good to know that some things do not change. Or at least, some people try to keep things the same. Marketing tactic maybe, but still….
We live in an area in old Tokyo. The area is called "Kodenmacho." Literally translated, "small delivery horse" town. In the older ages, this was an area in which the rulers were feudal lords, and carriers worked here using delivery horses.